Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Accepting Criticism

I believe learning to accept constructive criticism is such an important part in growing as a person.  With being a dancer and now coaching, it was ingrained in me how important it is to not take constructive criticism personally, but to take the advice and grow with it.  This took me a long time to learn and I am still learning it.  In my professional life I now see how some (women especially) take criticism so personally.  This knee jerk response, to any type of suggestion, inhibits them from doing better work and possibly even becoming a better person.  It is easy to keep blinders on and believe that your way is the right way ( I often like to believe this) but  never forget it most likely isn't the only way.  A beautiful thing about the world we live in is that we are all made differently.  God made it that way for a reason.  Opening yourself up for suggestions or criticism isn't always easy, but it is essential for growth.  I find the more centered and confident I am with myself and my life, the more open I am to peoples suggestions and thoughts.  If you know your beliefs and values, it is easier to listen to someone else's perspective and opinions.  Always take time to reflect on how you can become a better you and what that path looks like and feels like to get there.  Love you Miss Ellie....XOXO

To bear defeat with dignity, to accept criticism with poise, to receive honors with humility -- these are marks of maturity and graciousness.

Love, Mommy