Monday, December 10, 2012

Proud of You

I don’t really have a lesson for you...I just have to tell you how proud I am of you Ellie. This weekend we went to Old Chicago for dinner. It was not that long ago that we couldn’t take you out to eat because you would cry and cry....We had a wonderful dinner with you. You said “please and thank you” to our waitress....said “pass” when you wanted some food on the table and said “scuse pease” when you were finished. Then sat nicely and colored until we were done eating. You are turning into such an amazing little girl. You already care about others so much....especially animals. You LOVE having fun...playing chase and running around. I look at how happy you are at this age and I pray that you can be this happy and find the little things in life as enjoyable as you do now.

I’m so proud of you honey and don’t ever forget that. LOVE YOU more than you'll ever know!