Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Dear Ellie,

Part of every adults life is about knowing what you like and what you don't like...telling people things you do or don't do. For example, I am frequently telling people that "I don't drink coffee" or that "I don't ski."

There isn't any reason why I don't do these things...I just never started, so, that pretty much means I just don't do them.

On the contrary, right now, everyday you are still learning new things, even though you are at the age where you have a great understanding of the world around you. The beauty of this is that there isn't anything that you "don't do", but rather it is just something that you don't do yet.

It may seem like a trivial difference, but it is not. Typical adults have a dismissive attitude, things they haven't done are just not part of their lives and almost certainly never will. You have the opposite attitude, things you haven't done are just new opportunities to learn or try new things.

A perfect example was tonight at dinner. After seeing me eat with chopsticks tonight, you did your best to do the same no matter how difficult it was :-)

As I watch you and learn from you, I aspire to have an attitude more like yours. In fact, I think we all should take this attitude more often. Imagine how interesting and fun you life would be if you always answered questions like "No, I don't do that...yet"


Thursday, January 10, 2013

10 Commandments

Mommy's 10 Commandments that I made for myself...I need to remember these!!

1. Be content in the moment
2. Be grateful
3. Remember the big picture
4. Pray
5. Work toward your goals/don't just want them
6. Say no when it blocks your priorities
7. Accept who you are and where you are
8. Do what you are passionate about
9. Remember you cant always make everyone happy.
10. Don't forget to have fun.

I think it's important to get back to basics sometimes and focus on what you stand for and if what you are doing aligns with those beliefs.