Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Those four little words...

The last two weeks have been a big set of changes.  You are now in a big girl bed, daddy finished the attic for a play room, we have been trying to potty train and no more "passie" at bedtime.  That is a lot of change little one....but you are always up for a new adventure and we knew you could handle it.

With all of these changes we are trying to encourage you to especially go on the potty like a big girl....and then the phrase started...

"I can't do it"

First of all...I really hope you learned that at school and not at home...those four little words are like nails on a chalkboard to me. At two years old you attack everything with such exuberance and excitement; those four words should not be in your vocabulary yet...(well I would like to say if ever).

But they are and we are trying to correct it.  I don't care that you don't go potty every time on the potty...or listen to everything we say (as much patience as it takes I love that you already know what you want in life 90% of the time) ....BUT we will always expect you to try....and not take the easy route with I just can't do it.  I find those four little words hold so many people back in life...including myself (although I am certain I could not do a marathon well for sure I do not want to do one :)

So this morning we changed the "I can't do it" to "I don't want to"  You may not want to take off your minnie PJ's or brush your teeth or get your hat on before we go out the door....but you can do those things and from now on it will be teaching you to say "I don't want to" instead of "I can't do it"

Your stubbornness and strong will makes you who you are....and I love every piece of it...even if I do have to take deep breaths and say "I can parent you." :)