Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Our New Holiday Tradition...

So I haven't been in the Christmas spirit as much this year. Don't get me wrong, we already have our Christmas decorations out, and I've been playing Christmas music for weeks...but something just didn't seem right. We were talking at Thanksgiving, with our families, about gift exchange, how much to spend, etc.....when I realized the $100 plus in money that we would spend on these gifts, that we wouldn't even be able to see the person open...and would be sent via mail...something just didn't sit right. So your dad and I made a decision, to take our names out of the extended family drawing and adopt a family in need from the Salvation Army, this holiday season.

Two days ago, we were sent the family that we were matched up with. A single mom with a 2 year old and newborn, both little boys. They sent a list of things that they really wanted....most items are things we wouldn't even blink an eye at purchasing.

These last two days shopping for the family, I have been so excited, thinking about the boys opening their presents on Christmas, and what reaction the mom would have. The excitement getting together their family Christmas presents has re-instilled my excitement for this holiday season. I have found shopping for this family, has given me more joy than anything I could have bought for myself. It also has made me realize how incredibly blessed we are with what we already have.

I love getting fun gifts just as much as the next person, but never forget, Ellie, what the holiday season is really supposed to be about...helping others in need, spending time with family, and eating Christmas cookies :)

Since you get more joy out of giving joy to others, you should put a good deal of thought into the happiness that you are able to give. Eleanor Roosevelt

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