Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Don't Rush

Welcome to my blog! This blog is going to be random ideas, lessons, and adventures that I want to pass along to my 1 year old little girl, Elliana. It may be things that I learn during my daily life being her mom, a coach, a wife, a teacher, and a friend that I want to share with her and everyone here that would like to read this.

Being a teacher and a coach, I'm consistently to write down the lessons that I want to share latter, and this blog will give me a chance to do so with what I want to pass along to Ellie.

The first lesson today is: Don't get too busy to stop and appreciate what is around you. I ALWAYS struggle with being "in the present" and not appreciating what is going on around me. I find that  many times, if I am working, I want to be home with Ellie, and when I am home with Ellie, I am thinking about what needs to get done with work, etc.

Today I was rushing around to get out the door to the grocery store. We didn't have to be there at a certain time but for some reason I was rushing...I couldn't find my keys, was holding Ellie, was walking too fast and dropped and cracked my phone. Needless to say I was not a happy camper, but I had no one to blame other than myself. Ellie, take time to slow down and appreciate what is around you and what is going on at that moment. I'm sure if I hadn't been rushing, I would not have dropped my phone, which in turn, would have left me in a much "peppier" mood.

When I think about our society and how often people are rushing around trying to get everything done, I wonder, "Is it all necessary?" If you strip down to just the basics in life, so much of what we do, rushing around, is pointless and leaves us unfulfilled. That's why it's important to not rush and focus on the "good stuff" because there really is so much "good stuff" in our life that we have been given.

"We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather recognizing and appreciating what we do have."

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