Thursday, September 15, 2011

Laundry 101

Laundry 101.

So I have posted quite a few serious it's time for more of a "motherly" post.

Sometimes I love it, most the time it's an annoyance. But one time of doing it wrong, and ruining a load of'll wish you would have paid closer attention!

So here are my laundry tips.

1. Always separate whites and darks. Do not wash everything together on cold. Your whites will not get as clean and will look dingy.
2. Whites should be washed in warm and colors in cold. I don't buy into washing whites in cold with cold water detergent. There are many other things to help the environment.....still wash your whites in warm.
3. Stains- Always pre-soak stains before you wash. If you have a red wine stain put salt on it...let it sit for at least 15 minutes. Brush off and spray onto stain a 50-50 combination of liquid dish soap and hydrogen peroxide. Then throw into wash. This should get almost any stain out.
4. With nice clothing you should turn it inside out when you wash it. Honestly, I don't take the time, but I should do this!
5. If you dry your nicer clothes, never use high heat, only medium or low.
6. If you are drying heavy items such as towels, blankets etc. Put a dry towel in the dryer. The dry towel will absorb a lot of the moisture so it takes less time.
7. If you are lucky enough to have a clothes line...hang everything out to dry. It smells the best and saves energy.
8. And yes Miss Ellie we will be doing your laundry together some day :)

We should all do what, in the long run, gives us joy, even if it is only picking grapes or sorting the laundry. ~E.B White

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