Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Half Full or Half Empty....

Crappy things just sometimes happen. Whether it be getting a credit card stolen, losing your phone, or falling flat on your face in front of a large crowd (which I recently did). There will be many times that life will throw you a curve ball; how you react to it will make all the difference.

It's easy to get wrapped up in the "grayish" parts of a day. I notice when I focus on those things, the day just seems to keep going down hill. I try to remember that things could always be worse, and I try to not sweat the small stuff. If my family and I are healthy, then really it can't be that bad. It's hard to always look at the big picture and not get wrapped up in the day to day drama of life, but life is a lot more fulfilling if you remember what is important, and be grateful for what is going well in your life.

The type of people that look at things half full instead of half empty tend to be happier, more successful, and naturally draw people to them. I try to always surround myself with people that look at situations "half full."

I believe that negative people are like a virus. The more I am around them, the more negative I become. In conclusion, try and remember the big picture, don't sweat the small stuff and surround yourself with positive, upbeat people.

It's not what happens to you that determines how far you will go in life; it is how you react to what happens.

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