Monday, September 12, 2011

Stick to your guns...

As of right now, you Miss Ellie, are throwing a tantrum crying in your crib not wanting to take a nap...well missy you need one and eventually you will fall asleep. (Don't worry you are not neglected I just know when you need a nap!) Even though it is so hard to listen to you cry I know we need to stay firm because you need to learn to fall asleep on your own.

It makes me think about how important it is to stick to your guns when it's something you believe in. In today's society it's hard to stick to your beliefs and what your values are. Women often times compromise who they are to please and women. I often times find myself wondering, "Am I doing this because I want to or am I just trying to please other people?" It can be a hard question to answer...but I do know one thing...if what you are doing, matches up with your beliefs and is probably worth doing. Just hold firm in your beliefs and stay strong in who you are and you will go far in life sweetie.

As for me I'm holding firm...I'm not letting you not take a nap, hun...but I love you!! XO

"Choose beliefs that serve your soul - choose beliefs that serve the grander dream of who you choose to be." ~Joy Page

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