Wednesday, September 7, 2011


This is a topic I am very "passionate" about...

Following your passion.

I was a high school dance team member for 4 years, then danced in college for two and continued to coach a high school team for 7 years all while I completed my undergrad in Health Education and Graduate degree in Public Health. Coaching had always been a "side" job for me, and I knew that I could never make a living off of it. I love teaching and public health, but my true passion in life is working with young women, and coaching dance. It had always been a dream of mine to coach at the University of Wisconsin, and I pursued that goal until I achieved it. That that is where we are Madison and coaching the UW dance team. I am very blessed that Nate (my husband and Ellie's daddy) is able to provide enough for our family that allows me to coach and be at home with Ellie during the day. I truly feel like I get the best of both worlds. I know someday I will go back to teaching but for right now I'm following my passion and it is so rewarding to be doing so.

It's not always easy or feasible to follow your passion in life. There are typically a lot of roadblocks, financial strains, etc. that will set you back. But if you find what gets you excited to get up in the morning or talking about something till you turn blue in the face...that is your calling and in some capacity you need to add that into your life.

"Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you."

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