Monday, October 31, 2011


This is your second Halloween. You were only a month old last Halloween so really I feel like this is your first. You are Tinkerbell this year (I will post a picture after tonight). I was thinking about Halloween and what a fun time it is...and it got me thinking how important it is to have fun and to just laugh at yourself.

I don't really have a life lesson today...just wanted to share with you about last night. We decided to carve pumpkins to get ready for Halloween today. Of course we got a large pumpkin for daddy a a medium pumpkin for mommy and a baby pumpkin for you! You LOVED the pumpkins...last night you thought you could carry them around the house...the only one you could lift was yours.

You are getting to be so interactive, fun, and spirited. It's amazing to see the excitement you have for everything in makes me realize we all should enjoy and appreciate the fun things in life.

I'm sure tonight when we go trick or treating you will be waving at everyone saying "hi!" At one years old I love that you are so outgoing and so excited each time you see someone new. I know you are going to be a hit tonight as Tink!! Happy Halloween Baby Girl!! XOXO Mommy

Sunday, October 23, 2011

A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes...

I haven't always set goals. I heard growing up, how important it was to set them. I thought it was a tedious thing to do, that didn't really make a difference. As I have gotten older, my opinion with goal setting has changed.

I have found, when I write out or even draw out my goals, I become more organized with my thoughts, and that gives me strength, and foresight to set objectives to achieve, what it is I really want to achieve.

As you get a little older, I want to pass down something that I learned from a former professor of mine, and that I used when I taught as well. It is called a Dream Board. You map out, on a poster board, all you wishes and dreams that you have for yourself. It can be short term to long term goals/dreams that you have.

I truly think we are in Madison today, because of what I was able to map out on a dream board that I created. I realized while creating it, that my passion truly is working with young women.

Anything is possible. Anything is achievable, if you put your mind to it, and work hard. With the team I am coaching right now...they are starting to believe in themselves...little by little I see it. They are starting to see that they can achieve their goals as well....the sky is the limit when you let yourself believe.

I know you will have big dreams and aspirations, set your goals high and figure out how to get there. We will support you the whole way.

I think your next big goal Ellie should be to say "I Love You" :)

All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.
Walt Disney

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

There's a lot to learn from Sesame Street...

"Can you tell me how to get"....everyone knows the ending of that phrase :) Sesame Street is a staple in my childhood, along with most others. It is pretty amazing to think back to my childhood, and remember watching Sesame Street and now to see you, Ellie, jump up and down when you hear the opening song, makes me smile ear to ear.

There are so many life lessons one could learn from watching the show. Today's topic, Including Others, I thought was so important I wanted to write about it.

Growing up can be tough. Especially, when you are discovering who you are, and how exactly you fit into this world. Kids can, and will be mean. I pray that you are NEVER one of those kids. I truly believe that if every child felt accepted and included, this world would be a much less violent place to live. The scars that bullying does to a child often sticks with that child their whole life.

I wish I could go back and invite the kids that were sitting by themselves at the lunch table to come sit with me, but I can't. I can only pass that suggestion on to you. I hope that you always include everyone. Remember Matthew 7:12 Treat Others How You Would Want to Be Treated. That means including those that may not look or act like you, but those are the people you will probably learn the most from.

So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets (Matthew 7:12).

Monday, October 17, 2011

A slice of humble pie...

Humility: is the quality of being modest, and respectful. Humility can be such a complex subject but if you look at the definition it really is quite simple. There are many people in this world that could use a slice of humble pie.

I'm sure there have been times in my life where I could have used a slice, but in the long run I try and stay grounded, and realize we are all humans, and are here because God created us, and in the end we all have the same destination.

No one person is perfect. I find that the most successful people, are those that are continually looking for personal growth and looking to others, for guidance and inspiration.

In the past eight years of coaching, I have come across many young women that could use a slice of this pie as well. In dance, there are often many critiques that are thrown at the dancers....those who always accept these critiques with grace and humility are the ones that turn out to be the best dancers and performers in the end. Those who get defensive and don't think they need to improve, are often the ones that make the biggest mistakes in a performance setting, and are the least respected by their peers and mentors. This situation is one that crosses over in "real life" as well. The people in life that are self centered, and narrow minded are those that will miss out on many learning opportunities from others around them.

There is a strong difference between egotistical and confident. I always want you, Ellie, to be confident in who you are, and what your beliefs are, but always remain humble about your place in this world, how you view others, and how you treat them.

Remember to take time and see if you need an extra slice of the pie once and awhile.

"To be truly great, one has to stand with people, not above them." -Unknown

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Last night, your dad and I sat out on our porch, we drank wine, talked, and listened to the rain storm outside. We sat out there for almost two hours and just talked. I could have stayed out there all night wrapped up in a blanket....I realized it didn't cost us any money (well except the wine:) to sit out there, and just enjoy each others company. When life gets so busy, it's important to stop and take some time and just enjoy what is around you.

When I take time to notice the little things around me, it helps me appreciate everything we have been given and to focus on how blessed we really are. It's so easy to get wrapped up in what we don't have, or what we could do better....but take the time and just appreciate what you have been given. It is also important to tell others around you when you appreciate something they have done for you. A simple thank you or I'm thinking of you card, can make all the difference in someone's day.

When your having a bad day...take the time and write down 5 things that you appreciate.

Here is my list:
1. The health of my family.
2. That Nate stayed home later this morning so I could go for a run.
3. That we have practice tonight...and I have a job that I am passionate about.
4. That my cup of coffee was great this morning.
5. That Ellie is taking a nap right now :)

Just remember take some time to stop and listen to the rain storm...

As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.
John F. Kennedy

Monday, October 10, 2011

Just Be You

These three words could pretty much sum up this blog post. It seems like such a simple thing to say, but for many people (including me), it can be really difficult at times. There are so many mean kids today (and even moms!) that judge kids for who they are, what they wear and what their interests are. This judgement is often detrimental to the development of a child's self esteem and self worth.

When I was pregnant, with you, your dad and I would say "we just can't wait to meet you and meet who you are!" It has been such an amazing year, getting to know who you are, your likes, dislikes, and what makes you smile. I don't want you to grow up yet, but I am looking forward to someday having a conversation with you, about who you are and what makes you tick. I'm sure there will be things that you do, or wear, that I may not approve of; hopefully I will be able to guide you with some of the choices you make. However, in the end, I pray that you are always comfortable in your own skin and will Just Be You.

Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else. ~Judy Garland


Ellie, I hope you are more organized than me. Although I continue to work on this, it is still a day to day process. There is nothing more frustrating then taring a apart the entire house trying to find something you misplaced. If you find a home for almost everything you own and put it back where it takes the stress right out of trying to find that missing item.

Here are the top 5 things that help me feel more organized...

1. Make your bed in the morning. Having a made bed helps start your day off on the right foot.

2. Keep a calendar and a to do list close by. Also I try and keep a pen and piece of paper next to our bed because I always think of things that I have to do when I'm trying to fall asleep!

3. Once a week, clean out a junk drawer. I don't always do this, but when I do, it really does make a big difference!

4. Walk around the house/apartment with a trash bag and just pick up. It's amazing how much junk mail etc. accumulates around the house!

5. Plan ahead! Know what your calendar is and prepare for anything you have coming up. One of my pet peeves is people who procrastinate and wait until the last minute to do something. It makes everyone feel unprepared, unorganized and crabby!

I always feel an extra pep in my step after finishing a project, cleaning out a closet, or tackling that junk drawer. I know it seems like such a small thing...but it really does make me happier when I'm done!

Monday, October 3, 2011


Sometimes people come into your life for a reason. You can't always explain why, but they are put there for a reason. Sometimes it's a reflection of yourself, sometimes it's a new friendship that is supposed to be made, or that God just has a bigger plan for things (which He always does).

I know that we were sent to Madison for a reason...for us to grow as a family, to step outside our comfort zone, and for me to have the privilege to coach an amazing group of young women. You have already made quite a few friends with them, as they share their Happy Meal Toys with you :)

The decision to move here was not easy. We left all our family....two teams that we coached and were established....and our little safety net that we called home. There are still tears sometimes...getting used to things (me learning to take the back seat to a lot of decisions professionally)...but little by little, this is now feeling like home. I know we were pushed here by the Big Guy, and it took a leap of faith to move here....but we listened, and have tried not to look back. I know this is where we are supposed to be. I pray that in your life you step outside your comfort zone, listen to the Big Guy in the sky, and follow the route that isn't always the easiest. That's where you will really grow as a person.

I know you Ellie were put in my life for a reason. To show me what unconditional love is...and to make me laugh every day.

XO Love you! Mom

People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime.
When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person.