Thursday, October 13, 2011


Last night, your dad and I sat out on our porch, we drank wine, talked, and listened to the rain storm outside. We sat out there for almost two hours and just talked. I could have stayed out there all night wrapped up in a blanket....I realized it didn't cost us any money (well except the wine:) to sit out there, and just enjoy each others company. When life gets so busy, it's important to stop and take some time and just enjoy what is around you.

When I take time to notice the little things around me, it helps me appreciate everything we have been given and to focus on how blessed we really are. It's so easy to get wrapped up in what we don't have, or what we could do better....but take the time and just appreciate what you have been given. It is also important to tell others around you when you appreciate something they have done for you. A simple thank you or I'm thinking of you card, can make all the difference in someone's day.

When your having a bad day...take the time and write down 5 things that you appreciate.

Here is my list:
1. The health of my family.
2. That Nate stayed home later this morning so I could go for a run.
3. That we have practice tonight...and I have a job that I am passionate about.
4. That my cup of coffee was great this morning.
5. That Ellie is taking a nap right now :)

Just remember take some time to stop and listen to the rain storm...

As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.
John F. Kennedy

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