Tuesday, December 6, 2011

When all else fails...LAUGH!

So today is gloomy, cold and Miss Ellie was up every two hours last night teething. With being sleep deprived, everything is a little more gloomy and chore like. I was just having one of those days where I was kind of in a funk (very rarely happens) but nonetheless I was.

When all of a sudden you came around the corner with this: It completely threw me off guard..I fell on the floor laughing I thought it was so funny. You went into the food drawer..pulled this huge bun out of the bag and started chomping away.

I snapped right out of my "grumpyness" Sometimes all you need is a good laugh to realize that the little things that your upset about really are little and arbitrary.

A good laugh can make all the difference....find something that makes you laugh every day!! And you Miss Ellie never are short on making us laugh!

Laughter is the shortest distance between two people. ~Victor Borge

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Our New Holiday Tradition...

So I haven't been in the Christmas spirit as much this year. Don't get me wrong, we already have our Christmas decorations out, and I've been playing Christmas music for weeks...but something just didn't seem right. We were talking at Thanksgiving, with our families, about gift exchange, how much to spend, etc.....when I realized the $100 plus in money that we would spend on these gifts, that we wouldn't even be able to see the person open...and would be sent via mail...something just didn't sit right. So your dad and I made a decision, to take our names out of the extended family drawing and adopt a family in need from the Salvation Army, this holiday season.

Two days ago, we were sent the family that we were matched up with. A single mom with a 2 year old and newborn, both little boys. They sent a list of things that they really wanted....most items are things we wouldn't even blink an eye at purchasing.

These last two days shopping for the family, I have been so excited, thinking about the boys opening their presents on Christmas, and what reaction the mom would have. The excitement getting together their family Christmas presents has re-instilled my excitement for this holiday season. I have found shopping for this family, has given me more joy than anything I could have bought for myself. It also has made me realize how incredibly blessed we are with what we already have.

I love getting fun gifts just as much as the next person, but never forget, Ellie, what the holiday season is really supposed to be about...helping others in need, spending time with family, and eating Christmas cookies :)

Since you get more joy out of giving joy to others, you should put a good deal of thought into the happiness that you are able to give. Eleanor Roosevelt

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Thanksgiving is in two days and I thought it would be fitting to take the time to reflect on things I am thankful for.

I am thankful for...

1. Our healthy family...without your health...you don't have anything.
2. The crazy adventure we have been on with you, Ellie, being born, watching you grow, moving to Madison, starting new careers, and still having family grow and become stronger every day.
3. The amazing friends that we have in our life.
4. Shelter, Food and the basics that we take for granted
5. That we don't have to watch what we spend down to the penny
6. Target, Facebook, twitter, e-mail, and the other nonsense things in life :)
7. Our crazy pets that love us unconditionally
8. Nate's job...and the fact that he works so hard to support us
9. Books
10. That you are a beautiful, spirited, animated, hilarious, loving little girl that we are so blessed to have in our lives.

I encourage everyone to take a minute and reflect on what you are thankful about...it helps keep everything in perspective!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Appreciation is the highest form of prayer, for it acknowledges the presence of good wherever you shine the light of your thankful thoughts.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Always be proud of your a-chomp-lishments

Ellie, I look at you know and it is the little things in life that make you soooo incredibly happy. I think it is ironic that I am writing to you in this blog about lessons in life, when really you are the one that teaches me about life every day. It has been amazing watching you discover the world, learn what is around you and see the excitement on your face when you see something for the first time.

Yesterday we were in the grocery store; I was not paying attention, looking at what kind of cracker to buy. You were in the shopping cart. All of a sudden, I hear you giggle/chew. You had reached behind and grabbed an apple, right out of the shopping cart, and started eating it...just like a big girl! I couldn't believe it! I had never shown you how to eat a whole apple like that. You smart little cookie...

That wasn't the only thing that melted my heart. As you were eating the apple, you had the biggest grin on your face. I'm so glad I was able to capture it in this picture. The grin was because you were so incredibly proud of yourself and so was I.  

Later on in life, it will be so easy to get down on yourself about things, not feeling good enough....but take the time to be proud of yourself and recognize the effort and hard work you put into even the little things. We are so proud of the little girl you are becoming...and always go get that extra bite out of life.

"Your value is the product of your thoughts. Do not miscalculate your self worth by multiplying your insecurities."

Monday, November 7, 2011


Faith is such a deep, intense, intimidating, beautiful, overwhelming topic. Your dad and I are both Christians. We became Christians later on in life, and still have to work at our faith every day.

It is not our place in this world to judge others, based on what their religious beliefs are, just as we wouldn't want anyone to judge us. The only one that can judge is God himself.

“Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye."
Matthew 7 1-5

So this is to say that I don't expect you to become a Christian if you do not want to be. I pray that you find your own path, you search for your own answers, and seek to become content with the decisions you make. I know I would not be where I am today if I didn't believe. My faith in God has shaped and continues to shape, the person I am today.

This is a sermon that I thought was quite powerful from the church that we attend.

Most of all, I pray that you have faith in yourself, I know we always will.

Monday, October 31, 2011


This is your second Halloween. You were only a month old last Halloween so really I feel like this is your first. You are Tinkerbell this year (I will post a picture after tonight). I was thinking about Halloween and what a fun time it is...and it got me thinking how important it is to have fun and to just laugh at yourself.

I don't really have a life lesson today...just wanted to share with you about last night. We decided to carve pumpkins to get ready for Halloween today. Of course we got a large pumpkin for daddy a a medium pumpkin for mommy and a baby pumpkin for you! You LOVED the pumpkins...last night you thought you could carry them around the house...the only one you could lift was yours.

You are getting to be so interactive, fun, and spirited. It's amazing to see the excitement you have for everything in life....it makes me realize we all should enjoy and appreciate the fun things in life.

I'm sure tonight when we go trick or treating you will be waving at everyone saying "hi!" At one years old I love that you are so outgoing and so excited each time you see someone new. I know you are going to be a hit tonight as Tink!! Happy Halloween Baby Girl!! XOXO Mommy

Sunday, October 23, 2011

A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes...

I haven't always set goals. I heard growing up, how important it was to set them. I thought it was a tedious thing to do, that didn't really make a difference. As I have gotten older, my opinion with goal setting has changed.

I have found, when I write out or even draw out my goals, I become more organized with my thoughts, and that gives me strength, and foresight to set objectives to achieve, what it is I really want to achieve.

As you get a little older, I want to pass down something that I learned from a former professor of mine, and that I used when I taught as well. It is called a Dream Board. You map out, on a poster board, all you wishes and dreams that you have for yourself. It can be short term to long term goals/dreams that you have.

I truly think we are in Madison today, because of what I was able to map out on a dream board that I created. I realized while creating it, that my passion truly is working with young women.

Anything is possible. Anything is achievable, if you put your mind to it, and work hard. With the team I am coaching right now...they are starting to believe in themselves...little by little I see it. They are starting to see that they can achieve their goals as well....the sky is the limit when you let yourself believe.

I know you will have big dreams and aspirations, set your goals high and figure out how to get there. We will support you the whole way.

I think your next big goal Ellie should be to say "I Love You" :)

All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.
Walt Disney

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

There's a lot to learn from Sesame Street...

"Can you tell me how to get"....everyone knows the ending of that phrase :) Sesame Street is a staple in my childhood, along with most others. It is pretty amazing to think back to my childhood, and remember watching Sesame Street and now to see you, Ellie, jump up and down when you hear the opening song, makes me smile ear to ear.

There are so many life lessons one could learn from watching the show. Today's topic, Including Others, I thought was so important I wanted to write about it.

Growing up can be tough. Especially, when you are discovering who you are, and how exactly you fit into this world. Kids can, and will be mean. I pray that you are NEVER one of those kids. I truly believe that if every child felt accepted and included, this world would be a much less violent place to live. The scars that bullying does to a child often sticks with that child their whole life.

I wish I could go back and invite the kids that were sitting by themselves at the lunch table to come sit with me, but I can't. I can only pass that suggestion on to you. I hope that you always include everyone. Remember Matthew 7:12 Treat Others How You Would Want to Be Treated. That means including those that may not look or act like you, but those are the people you will probably learn the most from.

So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets (Matthew 7:12).

Monday, October 17, 2011

A slice of humble pie...

Humility: is the quality of being modest, and respectful. Humility can be such a complex subject but if you look at the definition it really is quite simple. There are many people in this world that could use a slice of humble pie.

I'm sure there have been times in my life where I could have used a slice, but in the long run I try and stay grounded, and realize we are all humans, and are here because God created us, and in the end we all have the same destination.

No one person is perfect. I find that the most successful people, are those that are continually looking for personal growth and looking to others, for guidance and inspiration.

In the past eight years of coaching, I have come across many young women that could use a slice of this pie as well. In dance, there are often many critiques that are thrown at the dancers....those who always accept these critiques with grace and humility are the ones that turn out to be the best dancers and performers in the end. Those who get defensive and don't think they need to improve, are often the ones that make the biggest mistakes in a performance setting, and are the least respected by their peers and mentors. This situation is one that crosses over in "real life" as well. The people in life that are self centered, and narrow minded are those that will miss out on many learning opportunities from others around them.

There is a strong difference between egotistical and confident. I always want you, Ellie, to be confident in who you are, and what your beliefs are, but always remain humble about your place in this world, how you view others, and how you treat them.

Remember to take time and see if you need an extra slice of the pie once and awhile.

"To be truly great, one has to stand with people, not above them." -Unknown

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Last night, your dad and I sat out on our porch, we drank wine, talked, and listened to the rain storm outside. We sat out there for almost two hours and just talked. I could have stayed out there all night wrapped up in a blanket....I realized it didn't cost us any money (well except the wine:) to sit out there, and just enjoy each others company. When life gets so busy, it's important to stop and take some time and just enjoy what is around you.

When I take time to notice the little things around me, it helps me appreciate everything we have been given and to focus on how blessed we really are. It's so easy to get wrapped up in what we don't have, or what we could do better....but take the time and just appreciate what you have been given. It is also important to tell others around you when you appreciate something they have done for you. A simple thank you or I'm thinking of you card, can make all the difference in someone's day.

When your having a bad day...take the time and write down 5 things that you appreciate.

Here is my list:
1. The health of my family.
2. That Nate stayed home later this morning so I could go for a run.
3. That we have practice tonight...and I have a job that I am passionate about.
4. That my cup of coffee was great this morning.
5. That Ellie is taking a nap right now :)

Just remember take some time to stop and listen to the rain storm...

As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.
John F. Kennedy

Monday, October 10, 2011

Just Be You

These three words could pretty much sum up this blog post. It seems like such a simple thing to say, but for many people (including me), it can be really difficult at times. There are so many mean kids today (and even moms!) that judge kids for who they are, what they wear and what their interests are. This judgement is often detrimental to the development of a child's self esteem and self worth.

When I was pregnant, with you, your dad and I would say "we just can't wait to meet you and meet who you are!" It has been such an amazing year, getting to know who you are, your likes, dislikes, and what makes you smile. I don't want you to grow up yet, but I am looking forward to someday having a conversation with you, about who you are and what makes you tick. I'm sure there will be things that you do, or wear, that I may not approve of; hopefully I will be able to guide you with some of the choices you make. However, in the end, I pray that you are always comfortable in your own skin and will Just Be You.

Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else. ~Judy Garland


Ellie, I hope you are more organized than me. Although I continue to work on this, it is still a day to day process. There is nothing more frustrating then taring a apart the entire house trying to find something you misplaced. If you find a home for almost everything you own and put it back where it belongs...it takes the stress right out of trying to find that missing item.

Here are the top 5 things that help me feel more organized...

1. Make your bed in the morning. Having a made bed helps start your day off on the right foot.

2. Keep a calendar and a to do list close by. Also I try and keep a pen and piece of paper next to our bed because I always think of things that I have to do when I'm trying to fall asleep!

3. Once a week, clean out a junk drawer. I don't always do this, but when I do, it really does make a big difference!

4. Walk around the house/apartment with a trash bag and just pick up. It's amazing how much junk mail etc. accumulates around the house!

5. Plan ahead! Know what your calendar is and prepare for anything you have coming up. One of my pet peeves is people who procrastinate and wait until the last minute to do something. It makes everyone feel unprepared, unorganized and crabby!

I always feel an extra pep in my step after finishing a project, cleaning out a closet, or tackling that junk drawer. I know it seems like such a small thing...but it really does make me happier when I'm done!

Monday, October 3, 2011


Sometimes people come into your life for a reason. You can't always explain why, but they are put there for a reason. Sometimes it's a reflection of yourself, sometimes it's a new friendship that is supposed to be made, or that God just has a bigger plan for things (which He always does).

I know that we were sent to Madison for a reason...for us to grow as a family, to step outside our comfort zone, and for me to have the privilege to coach an amazing group of young women. You have already made quite a few friends with them, as they share their Happy Meal Toys with you :)

The decision to move here was not easy. We left all our family....two teams that we coached and were established....and our little safety net that we called home. There are still tears sometimes...getting used to things (me learning to take the back seat to a lot of decisions professionally)...but little by little, this is now feeling like home. I know we were pushed here by the Big Guy, and it took a leap of faith to move here....but we listened, and have tried not to look back. I know this is where we are supposed to be. I pray that in your life you step outside your comfort zone, listen to the Big Guy in the sky, and follow the route that isn't always the easiest. That's where you will really grow as a person.

I know you Ellie were put in my life for a reason. To show me what unconditional love is...and to make me laugh every day.

XO Love you! Mom

People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime.
When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Half Full or Half Empty....

Crappy things just sometimes happen. Whether it be getting a credit card stolen, losing your phone, or falling flat on your face in front of a large crowd (which I recently did). There will be many times that life will throw you a curve ball; how you react to it will make all the difference.

It's easy to get wrapped up in the "grayish" parts of a day. I notice when I focus on those things, the day just seems to keep going down hill. I try to remember that things could always be worse, and I try to not sweat the small stuff. If my family and I are healthy, then really it can't be that bad. It's hard to always look at the big picture and not get wrapped up in the day to day drama of life, but life is a lot more fulfilling if you remember what is important, and be grateful for what is going well in your life.

The type of people that look at things half full instead of half empty tend to be happier, more successful, and naturally draw people to them. I try to always surround myself with people that look at situations "half full."

I believe that negative people are like a virus. The more I am around them, the more negative I become. In conclusion, try and remember the big picture, don't sweat the small stuff and surround yourself with positive, upbeat people.

It's not what happens to you that determines how far you will go in life; it is how you react to what happens.

Monday, September 26, 2011

I get by with a little help from my friends....

Your daddy and I are very blessed to have so many close friends. Our friends add so much joy, laughter and FUN to our lives!

Even though you are only one year old, I can see you wanting to be "friends" with other little kids. You are so outgoing and have such a zest for life...it's been amazing watching you interact with other children.

It's important to treasure your friends, and treat them with the respect that you would expect from them in return. I have found the more you invest, the more you will get out of a relationship. In addition, the little things you do for a friend really do make a difference; sending a card in the mail, picking up the phone to call someone having a bad day, or even just a hug, can make someone's day that much better. My best friend, and your Godmother Maria, embodies the word "thoughtful". She is one of the most thoughtful people I know which was one of the reasons we asked her to be your Godmother.

Close friends are so important to have, and how you treat them is equally as important. I have been so blessed to have a close group of friends. I can tell all your "aunties"almost everything, and I know they will always be there for support. I pray that you have a best friend or group of girl friends, like I have been blessed with. They make life that much sweeter.

Today you had a play-date with your new bff Soren. Who knows maybe someday he will be your prom date!

"Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born."

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Marry someone like your daddy....

Your dad and I recently had our 12 year anniversary from our first date. I was fifteen he was seventeen. It would be hard to sum up our relationship in one blog post but there are a few things I can pass along to you...

Here are the top 5 advice tips for when you get married in 30 years :)

1. Marry someone that is your best friend. That you can tell anything and everything to and know that they will always keep it between the two of you.
2. Marry someone that is not a jealous person. Any guy that is outwardly jealous, is not the type of person you will want to be with.
3. Marry someone that is smart, driven and passionate about what they do. Your daddy is such a hard worker and puts 110% in everything he does.
4. Marry someone that respects you for you and doesn't try and change who you are. Your dad has always respected who I am, and supported my goals and dreams.
5. Marry someone you can laugh with and most of all have fun with! Laughter helps make any relationship last!

When you start dating...watch out...your daddy will not be an easy one to get around :)

A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person. ~Mignon McLaughlin,

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Happy Birthday

Today, Ellie, is your first birthday, and even though I've already said it to you a hundred times today, I will say it again "Happy Birthday!"

To be honest, historically, I haven't always been a huge "birthday person", but like so many other things in my life, over the past year since you were born, my eyes have opened, my mind has changed, and I now see birthdays in a completely different way.  Before, birthdays always felt like a bit of a formality, something that people do for each other to make them feel special.  Now, that may be a bit more "scrooge" than I how I actually felt in real-life, but there was always this feeling of "I have to get a gift" for whoever was celebrating.  Other times, so often, birthdays are used as an excuse to "celebrate" which typically means act irresponsible, spend too much money, drink too much alcohol, or even worse.

Although much of this is all too true with birthdays today, today, is your birthday, and to me, it means something very different.  One year ago today, is the day that my life changed forevermore.  This is the day that an extremely happy man, somehow became indefinitely happier.  This is the day that you and I first met, I first held you in my arms, and your mother and I shared our love for each other with you as our newest addition to our family.

Thinking about that day quickly leads my memory from then until now.  It reminds me how you've become who you are today, the little person you are growing into.  It also reminds me how I've changed, how you've shaped me, and how you are influencing the person that I am becoming.  Because of you, I am trying to be a better father, husband and overall person.

This is what birthdays are really about, not the formalities, but celebrating the importance someone plays in your life.  This is why I will buy you obnoxious amounts of gifts, throw ridiculous parties, let you eat unhealthy amounts of sugar, and probably let you get away with almost anything.  Today, your birthday, isn't really that special, well it is special, just not any more than any other day.  Today reminds me how special every day truly is, and I need to somehow show you that...even though whatever I do can't really compare to how much you mean to me.

The only shame is that in "regular, everyday life," we rarely think like this.  It's not very often that we remember how special "regular, everyday life" is and how special those around you are, the people helping make it that way.  That is something I need to make a point of doing better in the future.

Elliana, happy birthday love!  I love you and thank you, for just being you.

Monday, September 19, 2011

A year of firsts...

Warning: This is a very sappy post :)

I can't believe you, Elliana, have been in our lives for a year already. Tomorrow is your birthday and I find myself reflecting back on how wild and beautiful this year has been. A year ago today, your daddy and I were walking around the mall (I was very large and not in charge) hoping it would help me go into labor.

Well, it worked, and at 7am the next morning I had my first contraction. You were born at 3:18pm. The waiting room held all the grandparents, some friends and also 18 high school girls, that I coached. The team had skipped school to be in the waiting room. Three different nurses came in asking me "so what exactly do you do?" They were wondering why there were so many high school girls there!

You were beautiful from the day you were born. Everyone would say she is so pretty! We thought you were the most beautiful little girl we had ever seen!

One of my favorite memories is the second day, in the hospital. It was just the three of us laying on the bed in the hospital room, all day, watching TV and letting you sleep on our chests....it was the first full day we were a family.

The first few months were a blur, mainly from the lack of sleep. You Miss Ellie, were a HORRIBLE sleeper....you were up every 2 to 3 hours. Your dad and I would look at each other most of the time and didn't know whether to laugh or cry...we did both. There were many nights that your daddy would let me sleep and take you down to the basement where you would sleep on his chest, for most of the night. This was your favorite place to sleep.

It always seemed that you were always one step ahead as well. You didn't want to be held like a "baby" even at 2 months old. You wanted to face out and see what was going on around you. You were sitting up and scooting around long before you were "supposed" to be and baby food only lasted about a month. You wanted big girl food by 7 months! You have always been one step ahead and we hope you carry this with you all throughout your life!

This year has been a year of firsts; your first smile, tooth, tear, laugh, crawl, walk..... It has been the culmination of all these little moments that have made this year so extraordinary. You light up our lives every day with your big smile and zest for life. We love you more than you'll ever know.

A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bank balance smaller, home happier, clothes dirty, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for.

A daughter is the happy memories of the past, the joyful moments of the present, and the hope and promise of the future.

Happy Birthday Baby girl!

Mommy and Daddy

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Laundry 101

Laundry 101.

So I have posted quite a few serious posts...so it's time for more of a "motherly" post.

Sometimes I love it, most the time it's an annoyance. But one time of doing it wrong, and ruining a load of clothes...you'll wish you would have paid closer attention!

So here are my laundry tips.

1. Always separate whites and darks. Do not wash everything together on cold. Your whites will not get as clean and will look dingy.
2. Whites should be washed in warm and colors in cold. I don't buy into washing whites in cold with cold water detergent. There are many other things to help the environment.....still wash your whites in warm.
3. Stains- Always pre-soak stains before you wash. If you have a red wine stain put salt on it...let it sit for at least 15 minutes. Brush off and spray onto stain a 50-50 combination of liquid dish soap and hydrogen peroxide. Then throw into wash. This should get almost any stain out.
4. With nice clothing you should turn it inside out when you wash it. Honestly, I don't take the time, but I should do this!
5. If you dry your nicer clothes, never use high heat, only medium or low.
6. If you are drying heavy items such as towels, blankets etc. Put a dry towel in the dryer. The dry towel will absorb a lot of the moisture so it takes less time.
7. If you are lucky enough to have a clothes line...hang everything out to dry. It smells the best and saves energy.
8. And yes Miss Ellie we will be doing your laundry together some day :)

We should all do what, in the long run, gives us joy, even if it is only picking grapes or sorting the laundry. ~E.B White

Monday, September 12, 2011

Stick to your guns...

As of right now, you Miss Ellie, are throwing a tantrum crying in your crib not wanting to take a nap...well missy you need one and eventually you will fall asleep. (Don't worry you are not neglected I just know when you need a nap!) Even though it is so hard to listen to you cry I know we need to stay firm because you need to learn to fall asleep on your own.

It makes me think about how important it is to stick to your guns when it's something you believe in. In today's society it's hard to stick to your beliefs and what your values are. Women often times compromise who they are to please others...men and women. I often times find myself wondering, "Am I doing this because I want to or am I just trying to please other people?" It can be a hard question to answer...but I do know one thing...if what you are doing, matches up with your beliefs and values...it is probably worth doing. Just hold firm in your beliefs and stay strong in who you are and you will go far in life sweetie.

As for me I'm holding firm...I'm not letting you not take a nap, hun...but I love you!! XO

"Choose beliefs that serve your soul - choose beliefs that serve the grander dream of who you choose to be." ~Joy Page

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


This is a topic I am very "passionate" about...

Following your passion.

I was a high school dance team member for 4 years, then danced in college for two and continued to coach a high school team for 7 years all while I completed my undergrad in Health Education and Graduate degree in Public Health. Coaching had always been a "side" job for me, and I knew that I could never make a living off of it. I love teaching and public health, but my true passion in life is working with young women, and coaching dance. It had always been a dream of mine to coach at the University of Wisconsin, and I pursued that goal until I achieved it. That that is where we are today...in Madison and coaching the UW dance team. I am very blessed that Nate (my husband and Ellie's daddy) is able to provide enough for our family that allows me to coach and be at home with Ellie during the day. I truly feel like I get the best of both worlds. I know someday I will go back to teaching but for right now I'm following my passion and it is so rewarding to be doing so.

It's not always easy or feasible to follow your passion in life. There are typically a lot of roadblocks, financial strains, etc. that will set you back. But if you find what gets you excited to get up in the morning or talking about something till you turn blue in the face...that is your calling and in some capacity you need to add that into your life.

"Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you."

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Don't Rush

Welcome to my blog! This blog is going to be random ideas, lessons, and adventures that I want to pass along to my 1 year old little girl, Elliana. It may be things that I learn during my daily life being her mom, a coach, a wife, a teacher, and a friend that I want to share with her and everyone here that would like to read this.

Being a teacher and a coach, I'm consistently to write down the lessons that I want to share latter, and this blog will give me a chance to do so with what I want to pass along to Ellie.

The first lesson today is: Don't get too busy to stop and appreciate what is around you. I ALWAYS struggle with being "in the present" and not appreciating what is going on around me. I find that  many times, if I am working, I want to be home with Ellie, and when I am home with Ellie, I am thinking about what needs to get done with work, etc.

Today I was rushing around to get out the door to the grocery store. We didn't have to be there at a certain time but for some reason I was rushing...I couldn't find my keys, was holding Ellie, was walking too fast and dropped and cracked my phone. Needless to say I was not a happy camper, but I had no one to blame other than myself. Ellie, take time to slow down and appreciate what is around you and what is going on at that moment. I'm sure if I hadn't been rushing, I would not have dropped my phone, which in turn, would have left me in a much "peppier" mood.

When I think about our society and how often people are rushing around trying to get everything done, I wonder, "Is it all necessary?" If you strip down to just the basics in life, so much of what we do, rushing around, is pointless and leaves us unfulfilled. That's why it's important to not rush and focus on the "good stuff" because there really is so much "good stuff" in our life that we have been given.

"We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather recognizing and appreciating what we do have."